FabriX 2023 – Digital Fashion Roadshow - Paris

PMQ’s ‘FabriX’, the First-ever Digital Fashion Pilot Programme in Hong Kong,
Shines on Global Fashion Stage
PMQ Unprecedentedly Presents ‘FabriX 2023 – Digital Fashion Roadshow’
at London Fashion Week & Paris Fashion Week

Showcasing the digital designs of 12 homegrown talent and 8 designers from the host cities
FabriX makes its debut at the London Fashion Week (15 - 19 September 2023) and
Paris Fashion Week (25 - 27 September 2023)

Following the resounding success of the pilot programme and showcase in Hong Kong last year, FabriX 2023 is back with the Digital Fashion Roadshow - bringing the works of Hong Kong’s fashion designers on tour in the prestigious fashion capitals at the London and Paris Fashion Weeks during 15 to 19 September and 25 to 27 September 2023 respectively.

For the digital fashion designed by Hong Kong’s homegrown talent to be seen on the global fashion stage, PMQ for the first time joins forces with the BFC and FHCM to present ‘FabriX 2023 - Digital Fashion Roadshow’. Apart from the selected works of 12 Hong Kong talents, there will be an unprecedented crossover with the 8 fashion designers from the hosting cities! With the fervent official support from the two fashion capitals, PMQ aims to incubate creativity, knowledge and skills, and foster the vigorous development of Hong Kong’s digital fashion design community via FabriX, thereby building Hong Kong as the regional creative capital.

By utilising enhanced and immersive Augmented Reality (AR) technology, ‘FabriX 2023 – Digital Fashion Roadshow’ enables fashionistas to try on various digital fashion creations, before they buy, in one go quickly and easily! The innovative AR photo kiosk, with the unique design inspired by the distinctive street market stalls in Hong Kong, offers a seamless one-stop experience: customers can try on the digital fashion via AR filter, fit and style, make purchase and own an editorial quality metalook at their fingertips! They can instantly share the photos on social media too to impress the fellow fashionistas and media worldwide with the latest collection created by 12 Hong Kong designers and 8 designers from the 2 hosting cities: London and Paris!