Tamiya Mini 4WD STEM Workshop
Tamiya Mini 4WD STEM Workshop
time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
venue: H110-112, Hollywood

The Tamiya Mini 4WD can be considered one of the most famous model cars of the 70s and 90s. Nowadays, the Mini 4WD has fulfilled its legendary mission and become a very practical platform for children to learn science through understanding the mechanical structure of gears, motor, battery power unit and hands-on assembly. The objective of this work shop is to complete a mini four-wheel drive car and learn about the mechanical structure of each part; after completion, you can experience it freely on the race track set up in the venue. Adults can relive their memories and children can have fun.

RSVP: https://stem.tamiya.hk/pmq

Know more about Tamiya Plamodel Factory
Website: https://tamiya.hk
Facebook www.facebook.com/tpfhk
Instagram: @tamiyahk